In spite of their role in historical times, when bed bugs bite, it can be very nasty. They create a nuisance in your home, under your carpet, inside the bed and your furniture. While you are watching TV, they sneak into your clothes and bite you. The next day, you find some itching red spots on your skin, and you begin to wonder what happened.

Bed bugs are insects that have an oval shape. Like most insects, bed bugs have no wings and humans make it possible for them to move from one location to another. They have a reddish brown color and usually between 1to 7 millimeters in size. They depend on human blood as their food, and they feed mostly at night when their victims are asleep.
How do they look?
While most people do not react at all to a bed bug bite, those that experience reaction is likely to have one or more of the following:
An area that is swollen with a dark red center.
Bites clustered together in a group
Hives or blisters around the spot bitten
You can experience a bite in any part of your body. But they mostly occur in the part of the body that you expose while sleeping such as the hands, fingers, and feet.