How to be legal and Safe when it comes to the treatment of bedbugs. Recent times have seen more and more people and organizations promote illegal and harmful ways via which bed bugs can be eliminated. These dangerous and unlawful methods are littered all over the Internet, blogs, websites and other mediums.
It is essential for you to know that there exists a fundamental difference between safe and legal. Just because a particular product is legal, doesn’t mean it is safe and vice versa. It is essential to be calm when it comes to eliminating bed bugs so you are not forced into doing something that may amplify the current problem, and make you regret.

What is legal?
Only purchase pesticides that are EPA registered and have on their label, an EPA registration number. Thoroughly read the label and before using the pesticides. Stick to and flow all the label instructions and precautions.
What is illegal?
To get a quick fix, most folks results to control and treatment methods that illegal and tend to inflict more harm than the current problem. It is often the case that the wrong use of pesticides may lead to more problems than the bed bugs present.
The Environmental Protection Agency takes a thorough look at all registered pesticides to see if they are useful, and up to the required standards of pesticides. They also check to see if it leads to adverse effects when used. The Environmental Protection Agency, strongly suggest that people should use registered products in other to enjoy a safe and effective way of handling bedbugs infestation.
Some of the illegal acts that people frequently engage in include
- Using unregistered gases such as propane, carbon dioxide to fumigate bedbugs. Even if it is done in an enclosed bag, it is still illegal as these gases can lead to an explosion or very alarming low oxygen levels.
- Using pesticides contrary to the instructions stated at the back of the label can be dangerous.
Various persons are often tempted to?
- Use an outdoor pesticide inside the home. This makes your home uninhabitable and very dangerous to live in
- Purchase pesticides from unreliable sources like flea markets or street vendors. You don’t know if what you are buying is safe or if it will even work.
- Use pesticides on their body for maximum protection. This is very wrong, and it can lead to skin poisoning. The EPA has never authorized any pesticides to be applied on the human skin.
- Use more than the label specifies. This action can make bedbugs develop a form of resistance to the pesticides.
- Apply pesticides on their clothing, furniture or bed when they are specified on the label. This can lead to poisoning.
- Apply too many pesticides all at once. This can lead to a fire outbreak or an explosion
- Use pest strips in a way not specified on the label. There are incidents where people become ill due to overexposure.