Possible Health Risks? Bed bugs and humans have coexisted for a long time. They are dependent on us for survival because they feed on our blood, which they use to reproduce and grow. Bed bugs need us for their survival, and interestingly, this is may be one of the reasons why they are not known to transmit any disease to humans. It will be a conflict of interest if they happen to cause harm to what is their main source of nutrition.
Even though they are not known to transmit any disease, they still pose health risks to humans. Bed bugs can be responsible for several mild to severe health issues depending on the individual involved.
Itching is the major health concern when it comes to bed bug bites. A severe itch can lead to scars, and exposure for secondary infection to occur. Because of the different genetic makeup of each, persons react differently to bed bug bites. Some persons will show no skin reaction, while others will show red bumps or welts on their skin after a bed bug bit. The red bumps often have similarities as those of mosquito bites and flea bites.
Too much scratching can be dangerous and can lead up to further problems on the path of the individual. As much as the urge is there to scratch, curb the temptation and control it, else you exposure yourself to subsequent infections when you scratch.
In a way, bed bugs can be dangerous as they cause disruption to your life. You suffer from sleep, stress level increases, treatment costs and a whole lot of underlying effects that can cause havoc to your life. As small as these insects are, they can be dangerous and should in case you find anyone in your property, call a professional pest controller to handle the situation.