What are bed bugs?
Bedbugs scientifically are called Cimex Lectularius. By nature, they are parasites, that means they only feed on the blood of humans as well as furry animals. By appearance, they are tiny, flat with a reddish-brown color. Their size often varies from 1mm to 7mm. They do not possess wings like other bugs, and they can live up to several months without the intake of blood

Where are bed bugs found?
Bed bugs are found in any place in the world. Bed bugs are known as serial hitchhikers, and they do live to that name very well, that is the reason each continent has its share of bed bugs. Once known to be found only in developing countries, this little pestilence is finding its way in considerable numbers to the United States and other developed countries of the world. Cleanliness does not affect bed bugs, although, it makes it easy to spot them. That is why even five-star hotels and resorts have their share of bed bugs epidemic.
Because they mainly feed on people who are in a still position, bed bugs are often found around areas where people frequently sleep or seat. Some of these areas include hotels, hostels, public transports, cruise ships, apartments and so on. They are stealthy bugs and nocturnal. That means they mainly feed at night and rest and hide during the day.
Places such as crevices, cracks, mattresses, behind picture frames, furniture, Bed frames, box springs and any other cool place around the bed area, provides a right place for bed bugs to hide. Bed bugs usually live just within 8 feet of where humans sleep, but they can crawl more than 100 feet at night.
Do bed bugs spread disease?
The straight answer is No. Bed bugs don’t spread diseases in any form. They can be a severe nuisance, and their bites can be itchy as well as leave red spots on the sink. Although, some persons can be allergic to a bed bug bite and as such, this can lead to severe scratching and skin irritation.
What health risks do bed bugs present?
Different persons react differently to bedbug bite. The bite often ranges from the absence of any bite mark to a mild bite mark, to a very intense allergic reaction. Medically, bed bugs are not known to pose any significant threat, but a severe allergic reaction may occur due to several bites.
What are the signs and symptoms of a bed bug infestation
A great well to tell If you have a bed bug infestation is via the visible bite marks on the body. Regarding the way they develop in the body, these bite marks can take as much as 14days before it becomes visible on some persons. So, it is essential to look out for other clues. Some of the signs of a bed bug infestation include;
- Empty skins and exoskeleton of bed bugs after shedding and molting
- An appealing odor like that of a wet towel
- Blood and fecal stains on mattress and furniture.
- Signs of eggs and bedbugs in the room
How do I tell a bed bug bit me?
Unless there are visible signs of a bed bug infestation, it can be tough to tell if an individual has been bitten by one. When these tiny bugs bite an individual, they often inject an anticoagulant and an anesthetic that numbs the pain, making it difficult for the person to know that they are being bitten. Some people don’t realize they’ve been bitten except a couple of days later when the bite marks appear. The marks are usually similar to those left by fleas or mosquitoes. Bite marks from bed bugs may appear random or in a straight line. The bites are often synonymous with redness, itching and irritation. Common symptoms of bite marks include insomnia, skin problems and allergic reaction.
It should be mentioned that allergic reactions vary from individual to individual. But the symptoms often include; painful swelling, intense red coloration and anaphylaxis (on a rare basis)
How did I get bed bugs?
Bed bugs are stealth and can easily hitch a ride on your body or property unbeknownst to you. Their tiny bodies and flat structure allow them to fit into the smallest of space quickly. They can stay hidden for a long time without feeding. Their body structure will enable them to quickly latch on to clothes, luggage, shoes, bags and other personal items without giving out any indication of their presence. Most folks don’t even realise that they are hitchhiking a bedbug because these insects know how to be stealthy and quiet.
Who is at risk for getting bedbugs?
No one is safe from these little bugs. Everyone has the potential for a bed bug infestation. People who frequently travel, sleep in hotels and lodges are often at higher risk of having an encounter with bed bugs.
How are bed bugs treated and prevented?
Bites from bed bugs don’t pose any dangerous medical threat. The best thing to do regarding a bed bug bite is to leave the affected area without scratching it. You can also apply lotions and antiseptic creams to the affected areas.
Bed bugs infestation is often treated by using pesticides in a situation where you would want to use a DIY method. If you feel it’s something you can’t handle, call a reliable pest control management or notify your landlord or property manager immediately. Prevention of bed bugs is best achieved by Regular inspection of your property for any signs of an infestation