We all know that bed bugs love to live in warm environment, but there is a belief that they don’t like cold weathers, and they become completely inactive during wintertime. Let’s find out if this myth is true or false. Unlike bears, bed bugs don’t fall into deep slumber during winter, and remain that way
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Bed Bugs
Are bed bugs Dangerous?
Are bed bugs Dangerous
Bed Bugs in Public Places
Though it is not a common occurrence to find a bed bug infestation in public places such as hotels, classrooms, office spaces and even supermarkets or departmental stores, it is still possible to see them there. Bed bugs are the ultimate hitchhikers and from these places mentioned, they can easily hitch a ride back to
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Bed Bugs in the Home?
When you suspect that you may have a bed bug infestation, your best move would be to find it quickly. This is to ensure that you can get rid of bed bugs before the problem spreads. As you may already suspect, it is far more comfortable and costlier to treat a minor infestation than when
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Bed Bugs Facts
What are bed bugs? Bedbugs scientifically are called Cimex Lectularius. By nature, they are parasites, that means they only feed on the blood of humans as well as furry animals. By appearance, they are tiny, flat with a reddish-brown color. Their size often varies from 1mm to 7mm. They do not possess wings like other
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