We all know that bed bugs love to live in warm environment, but there is a belief that they don’t like cold weathers, and they become completely inactive during wintertime. Let’s find out if this myth is true or false.
Unlike bears, bed bugs don’t fall into deep slumber during winter, and remain that way till springtime. They don’t migrate to a more comfortable habitat either, like a few other insects do.
During cold weathers, bed bugs don’t expose themselves to the frost party going on outside. They remain inside the house, in the warm environment their human victims have created. As long as bed bugs are not removed from their comfort zone, they’d remain active all year long in the warm environment of their victims.
Bed bugs in winter
Bed bugs can survive a cold environment for a little time, but they’ll die when they are kept under – temperatures for a long time.
If temperatures aren’t too cold, bed bugs can hibernate and stop their metabolism for months, until temperature becomes favorable.
Ironically, bed bugs reproduce rapidly during winter because humans will stay inside more often, and keep their homes warm and cozy, with thicker blankets and woolen clothes. Bed bugs tag along in the fun and this brings them closer to their victims, giving them more food, which translates to increased breeding.