Bed bug epidemic has been rampant in recent times, and this has caused sleepless nights from most apartment managers. Recently, pest management expenses as regards apartments and buildings have reason considerably in just a single year. It is common to hear apartment managers admitting that they’ve hired and fire several pest management companies because of their inadequacies to tackle the be the bed bug infestation. Some buildings have been destroyed or closed down because of the extreme nature of the outbreak. One of the reasons why bed bug control has been difficult in apartments over the years is because the control procedure has always been undertaken on a unit by unit approach. Also, Apartment managers now charge residents for any bed bug treatment thereby injecting fear into the residence and preventing them from reporting any incident. Also, apartment managers utilize the services of inexperience pest controllers because of their cheapness. This doesn’t solve the issue in any way but only compounds it. It is time for managers to stand up and be counted. It is time to effect a positive change. Management associations should understand that bed bugs now form a part of most apartments and as such, there need to be a proper maintenance program on hand to tackle bed bug issues. It is also essential to hire professional pest management companies with a proven track record of delivering results when it comes to bed bug management. When it involves a multi-unit housing, there is the need to create a community action plan

Bed bug training for staff
It is vital for apartment managers to become conversant with bed bugs, in order words, they need to become experts in matters relating to bedbugs. Employees are not left out. They also should also know the appearance and signs of bed bugs. You can employ the services of a professional pest management company to train your employees on issues concerning bed bugs infestation. As an apartment manager, you have to be ready to take the lead. If you want to get rid of your bed bugs problem, you have to foot the bill and not task your tenants. Asking residents to pay for treatment and control of bed bugs have resulted in an uproar and even increase in the infestation. Nobody would want to tell you about an outbreak when they know you would charge them for the treatment.
Community information
Creating a bed bug awareness program will do better than harm. Out of fear, Apartment managers can be reluctant in developing community-wide awareness bed bug program. They often feel when such programs are enacted; it usually means that they are admitting that their housing unit is infested. Such a thought is flawed because not having a plan as regards bed bug infestation or attempting to hide an infestation doesn’t make sense. Before tenants sign the lease, let them know you are in charge of the bed bug problem and that there is a plan to deal with any bed bug should they be seen. Also, let the tenants know that you need their full corporation. Your awareness program should include
- Printed notes and pictures are describing bed bugs, their appearance and signs of their presence. Ensure the document is available in different common languages. Don’t expect every one of them to read it, so it essential you go through the details personally with them.
- Signposts should be placed near dumpsters with warning inscriptions concerning bed bugs on discarded luggage and furniture. The sign should also give ideas on how people can damage and mark infested items, so people don’t mistakenly take them
- Notes to encourage tenants to report bed bugs infestation immediately promptly. Encourage them to come out clean about bed bugs and let them know they won’t pay any fee for any treatment. Also tell them that if they don’t come out clean about an infestation, or fail to cooperate with the awareness program, then they will be fined and penalised
- Give each tenant a copy of your action plan and make them understand what would happen in the course of a bed bug treatment in their apartment. Ensure they know their responsibilities regarding accessibility and preparation of their unit space.
- Put warning signs all across the laundry area prohibiting tenants from putting infested bags in the trash cans
When an infested unit is reported
Immediately a unit is said to have an infestation, your first point of call will be to notify the pest management company swiftly and schedule an inspection with them. Make the tenant aware of the inspection date and remind them of the need to provide full access to their unit.
A seasoned pest management company will give a thorough inspection of the apartment unit and also provide cost based on the level of infestation, amount of clutters and even the size of the unit.
Some pest management companies will have residents prepare for their arrival by asking them to launder their properties, empty drawers and closets, strip their beds and so on. This makes the treatment easy for the company although it may be a little bit difficult for the residents to meet up with all the requirements. As an apartment manager, ensure your tenants comply with the needs and instructions for the pest controller to do an efficient job.
For a thorough treatment procedure, utilise two pest management professionals. One would use non-chemical methods, will the other would utilise insecticides. The technique combined and in addition to a follow-up plan, you can be sure to get a great result.
Potential treatment methods
- Aerosols insecticides
Each of these treatments’ method is useful and effective in its way.
Treatment methods are often accompanied by monitoring processes or follow up. In this case, the pest management personnel come to inspect climb up devices or other treatment methods every two weeks to monitor their performance and results. If after the initial treatment and monitoring period, no signs of bedbugs are observed, the pest management company will likely end any further inspections. However, they will return should any residents complain about a bite or signs of bedbugs.
Adjacent and neighbouring units
Your treatment plan ought to include how adjacent and nearby units close to the infested apartment will be treated as well. Although bedbugs look small, they have the potential to move between places. Some can even crawl as far as 100 feet from their starting position. It Is possible that if a unit is infested, then adjacent units would have the same issue as well. A standard procedure will be to inspect and treat units sharing the same wall with the infested unit.
Most apartment managers and landlords out of fear of gathering up expense, are often reluctant to inspect adjacent and neighbouring units. It is pertinent despite any concern or worries that adjacent units should be thoroughly examined and that includes those above, below and either side of the affected unit. The inspection should be carried out at two weeks interval for six weeks. If during the inspection, bed bugs are found in the adjacent units, every other unit adjacent to it, should also be inspected.
In most cases, the infestation may be on a low scale for it to be detected by visual inspection. In so such a scenario, you can catch small-scale infestations by installing a Climb up an interceptor. This method is an inexpensive but effective method for identifying small-scale infestations. Just put the device on the foot of furniture and bed frame. The presence or absence of bugs on the device after two weeks of monitoring is a clear indicator of the existence of bed bugs in such units.
Expectations of control
It is proper to expect total eradication of bedbugs after a treatment procedure has been finalised, but sometimes having such high expectations can be wrong. It is not strange to find bed bugs running out from their hiding place days after a treatment method has been implemented. These bed bugs are often suffering the effect of the treatment, and they are on the last breath before they pass out.
The rule of thumb is that you should implement a follow-up treatment within two weeks of your initial treatment to gain a thorough elimination of the bed bugs and kill any eggs or nymphs still lurking in the shadows.
You will know you are in the all clear zone if after treatment and two follow up procedures; occupants don’t report any sightings or signs of bedbugs. Even at that, a 100% guarantee cannot be given, so tenants ought to be on the look at for potential signs of bed bugs.
If an infestation is on the extreme side, it is crucial to carry out several follow up treatments. In situations where a bedbug colony has been established in the cluttered environment for more than a year, eliminating the bed bugs may be difficult to achieve (unless the entire building is fumigated). In such a scenario situation, suppressing the population is what you should be aiming to achieve. It becomes essential in cases like this that residents and apartment managers are realistic about their expectations of what the treatment procedure can and cannot achieve
Vacant units
Bedbugs in empty apartments and units serve as a control issue as well as a legal problem. The reason for this is that there is no way to guarantee such a unit is entirely free from any bedbug infestation (although using chemical fumigation method can ensure a bedbug free unit). So, it becomes challenging to rent out such space. If you employ only conventional treatment methods to tackle vacant infested apartments and flats, you might want to put the following into consideration:
- When the host is absent, there is no actual bed bug monitoring system to utilise
The most effective solution will be to treat each vacant unit thoroughly. A reliable pest management company can help apply insecticides to crevices and cracks. Also, they can help remove crown mouldings and even baseboards to treat these places.
It is essential that even after the treatment procedure, extensive monitoring should be carried out in the units. The units should be checked every two weeks for six weeks, and the findings should be kept in a record. If at the end of the monitoring phase, no signs of bedbugs are observed, then the unit might be safe to rent out. However, you should be on guard should the occupants mention any occurrence of bite.
As an alternative, you can use a bed bug sniffing dog to inspect the unit. Using this method is a great way to determine if bed bugs are still present in the apartment or if they are eliminated. Bedbugs sniffing dogs have the remarkable ability to tell if a bed bug is dead or alive. They can also detect even the smallest of bed bug egg. The only downside is that there are just a few of these dogs available for this particular purpose. So, getting one for your apartment needs would be very expensive.
Chemical fumigation
Chemical fumigation as a treatment method is fast becoming the choice for treating buildings with a repeated infestation. The technique is often used when insecticides and pesticides have failed to achieve their results. Chemical fumigation is usually the desired choice for getting rid of bedbugs in buildings with lots of clutters, elderly occupants or impaired residents. The treatment method guarantees the complete elimination of bed bugs and eggs (until they are reintroduced by occupants again).
Chemical fumigation products can be used in a fumigation chamber that houses residents’ personal belongings.
The use of heat as a treatment of bed bug infestation is now a trending option in apartment units. The temperature is raised to 135F which is a very high temperature for bed bugs. This temperature exceeds the temperature at which bed bugs thrive in, and as such, the living conditions become exceptionally harsh for bed bugs and their eggs, leading to their death. The heat treatment method is an effective treatment plan with remarkable results. The process is sometimes combined with the use of a single pesticides application to achieve even more successful outcomes.
A heating chamber can be used to treat the personal belongings of residents.
As a treatment method, the heat method doesn’t require any accredited pest controller. It is a simple method that can be taught to apartment residents or employees of an apartment management company.
A thorough bedbug plan for apartments ought to involve a community outreach awareness program, an employee education system and a bed bug reporting system residence agree to on signing the lease. Also, hiring a reputable professional pest management company should also be included in the action plan. There should also be a slot for two additional follow-up treatments/inspections of any infested unit and neighbouring units